
Tsinghua University has world renowned professors in a wide variety of cutting-edge subjects. For the information of full faculty members, please visit here.

Meet some of your future professors

Qingyao Ai

Assistant Professor
Email: aiqy@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Carlo V. Cannistraci

Email: kailong@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Information theory, Machine intelligence, Network science, Socio-economic systems, Complex big data in neuro and life sciences.

Jianfei Chen

Associate Professor
Email: jianfeic@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Deep Learning

Jing Chen

Email: jchencs@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Theory of Computing, Algorithmic Game Theory, Blockchains

Kang Chen

Email: kang.chen.tsinghua@gmail.com

Area of Research Interests:
Storage Systems, Distributed Systems

Ting Chen

Email: tingchen@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Machine Learning, Computational Biology, Medical Informatics and Precision Medicine, Algorithm Design

Wenguang Chen

Email: cwg@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Parallel Computing, Compiler, Mobile Computing

Yu Chen

Associate Professor
Email: yuchen@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Operating Systems for Data Center, Compiling for Deep Learning, System Optimization for AI

Yong Cui

Email: cuiyong@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Network Architecture, Next Generation Internet

Zhidong Deng

Email: michael@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Artificial intelligence, Self-driving Car, Computational Intelligence & Robotics

Yuxiao Dong

Assistant Professor
Email: yuxiaod@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Data Mining, Graph Machine Learning, Pre-Training Models, Social Networks

Ling Feng

Email: fengling@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Context-Aware Data Management towards Ambient Intelligence, Data Mining and Warehousing, Distributed Object-Oriented Database Management Systems

Yuan Feng

Email: yuan_feng@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Quantum program theory, quantum program verification, quantum communicating systems

Xiaolin Hu

Associate Professor
Email: xlhu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer Vision, computational neuroscience, deep learning

Minlie Huang

Email: aihuang@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Machine learning applications, deep learning, natural language processing

Zhengfeng Ji

Email: jizhengfeng@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Quantum computing, Theory of computation

Chao Li

Associate Professor
Email: li-chao@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Data and Knowledge Engineer, Big Data, Advanced Intelligent Databases, Data Foundations for AI; and their Applications in Health, Transportation, Industry Chain, Smart City, Planning, etc.

Dan Li

Email: tolidan@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Internet Architecture, P2P Networks, Cloud Computing Networks, Green Networking, Internet of Things

Guoliang Li

Email: liguoliang@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
AI+DB, use AI techniques to optimize database and use DB techniques to make AI scalable; hybrid crowd machine computing; big data cleaning, integration and visualization

Juanzi Li

Email: lijuanzi@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Knowledge Graphs, Text Mining, Semantic Web

Zhaolin Li

Email: lzl73@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer System Architecture, Crowd Core Processors, Intelligent Processors, Parallel Programming and Compilation Optimization

Huaping Liu

Email: hpliu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Robot Intelligent Control, Visual Object Tracking

Yang Liu

Email: liuyang2011@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
natural language processing, Machine Translation

Yiqun Liu

Email: yiqunliu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Web Information Retrieval, User Behavior Analysis, Natural Language Processing

Yongjin Liu

Email: liuyongjin@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer Graphics, Computer-Aided Design, Multi-Disciplinary Research on Visual Media

Zhiyuan Liu

Associate Professor
Email: liuzy@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Social Computation, Knowledge Graphs, natural language processing

Youyou Lu

Associate Professor
Email: luyouyou@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Distributed Systems, Storage System, Computer Architecture

Weiying Ma

Email: maweiying@air.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Artificial intelligence (machine learning, natural language processing, search and recommender system, big data mining); and health computing which explores the application of artificial intelligence in life sciences, biomedical, pharmaceutics, genetic engineering, and precision medicine.

Zaiqing Nie

Email: zaiqing@air.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Big Data, Data Mining, NLP and Multimodal Machine Learning

Dan Pei

Associate Professor
Email: peidan@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Data Mining, Autonomous IT Operations, AIOps (Applied Machine Learning for IT Operations)

Xuehai Qian

Email: xuehaiq@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Parallel system and architecture, Machine learning system and architecture, Hardware security

Ju Ren

Associate Professor
Email: renju@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Internet of Things, Network Computing, Edge Intelligence, Operating Systems

Yuanchun Shi

Email: shiyc@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Human Computer Interaction, Pervasive computing, Network Multimedia

Fuchun Sun

Email: fcsun@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Active Sensing and Dexterious Operations, Cross Modal Learning

Lifeng Sun

Email: sunlf@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Network Multimedia

Jie Tang

Email: jietang@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Social Networking Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning

Dongsheng Wang

Email: wds@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer Architecture, Neural Network Processors, Hardware Security and Big Data Processing

Hongning Wang

Associate Professor
Email: hw-ai@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Large Language Models

Yongwei Wu

Email: wuyw@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Parallel and Distributed Computing

Chunxiao Xing

Research Fellow
Email: xingcx@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Database and Data Warehouse, Big Data and Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Blockchain Technology, Research on Key Technologies for Smart Healthcare, Smart Cities, Digital Libraries and E-Government

Bin Xu

Research Fellow
Email: xubin@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer Vision, computational neuroscience, deep learning

Hua Xu

Associate Professor
Email: xuhua@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Multi-objective Optimization based on Evolutionary Computation

Ke Xu

Email: xuke@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
New Generation Network Architecture, Network Routing, High Performance Routers, P2P and Overlay Network, Internet of Things(IoT), Network virtualization and optimization

Kun Xu

Associate Professor
Email: xukun@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
real-time rendering, image/video editing, 3D scene synthesis

Mingwei Xu

Email: xumw@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer Network, Cybersecurity

Chun Yu

Associate Professor
Email: chunyu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Human-computer interaction, pervasive computing

Wenjian Yu

Email: yu-wj@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Machine Learning, Numerical algorithm, EDA algorithm and software

Jidong Zhai

Email: zhaijidong@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
High performance computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Computer System Software

Min Zhang

Email: z-m@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Information Retrieval, User Behavior Analysis, Machine Learning

Mingxing Zhang

Assistant Professor
Email: zhang_mingxing@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
distributed systems and new hardware technologies

Songhai Zhang

Associate Professor
Email: shz@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Computer graphics, media computing, Image/Video analysis and processing

Yaqin Zhang

Email: zhangyaqin@air.tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, Cloud Computig

Yong Zhang

Associate Professor
Email: zhangyong05@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Database: Column Storage, Row-column Mixed Storage, Key-Value Store, DaaS (Database as a Service), History Database; Digital Library/Massive Data Management: Durable Top-k Query, Similarity Calculation, Collaborative Filtering, Micro-blog Recommendation, Tag-basd Resource and Document Recommendation, Hot Stock Block Discovery; GIS: Distributed Geography File System, Geograpy Encoding, Geography Data Indexing;

Youhui Zhang

Email: zyh02@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Micro-architecture, Cluster computing, and User-level Virtualization technologies

Ying Zhao

Associate Professor
Email: yingz@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Autonomic Computing

Fang Zheng

Research Fellow
Email: fzheng@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Speaker Recognition, Speech Recognition

Jun Zhu

Email: dcszj@tsinghua.edu.cn

Area of Research Interests:
Machine Learning